A Glimpse on Canada Immigration by Jupiter Advisers

About Canada

Canada is an ideal destination for the whole world. Citizens of Pakistan, India, Nepal, China, Bangladesh, and even European countries would love to live in Canada. If you are able to get Canadian Immigration, it means you get immediate Permanent Residency in Canada and start enjoying the unlimited benefits of Canadian Permanent Residents. Jupiter Advisers are always looking for the best possible destinations in the world for our clients, in this series of blogs, we will explain about Canada in detail.

Benefits of Canada Permanent Residency:
  1. Free health coverage in Canada
  2. Kids Allowance 
  3. Free education for kids
  4. Unemployment allowance for unemployed PR Holders
  5. Protection under Canadian Law
  6. Employee’s benefits for persons doing jobs

Is there any option that I can apply directly for Permanent Residency in Canada:

Jupiter Advisers say that the answer to this question is Yes, if you are sitting in Pakistan, India, or any other country in the world, you can apply for PR directly with the whole family. It means you will get the PR visa and as soon as you will land in Canada, the first thing that will be given to you will be your PR Card. If you are also willing to get a Permanent Residency in Canada, please contact Jupiter Advisers, one of our experts will be in touch with you shortly.

A Background from the Past Decade: 

How to get PR in Canada while sitting in my home country:

There are many ways to apply for Canada PR while you are sitting in your home country. Before 2015, there was a paper based PR process with the name of Federal Skilled Workers Program. That process used to take 5 years in which the candidates with the points of 67 in FSWP would get the PR finally after a long wait. That was a very long process and IRCC, which is a government body responsible for managing visas and immigration, used to find the suitable candidates who are eligible and they had to do complex calculations by themselves and then they used to give visas to the eligible candidates. 

After 2015, the process was changed and steps were taken to reduce the burden of IRCC Visa officers. The Canadian government introduced a new system with an electronic option in it. This system is called Express Entry. It works on a very complex algorithm and all the candidates first register their interest in the comprehensive ranking system (CRS). After registration, they are allotted a score by the algorithm. IRCC selects the highest scoring candidates every month and then the selected candidates are invited officially to apply for PR. This is called ITA, which means an invitation to apply for PR. This means that In this way, most of the burden of IRCC is reduced and they only have to process the visa application of the selected candidates. 

After the introduction of Express Entry does not mean that the Federal Skilled Worker Program is terminated. Rather it has taken a new shape. In order to be eligible for the Express Entry, one has to be eligible into one of the three programs as follows:

  1. Federal Skilled Worker Program
  2. Federal Skilled Trades Program
  3. Canadian Experience Class

In this blog, we will only discuss and explain the details of the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Because for the other two programs, you have to be physically in Canada in order to get Permanent Residency through Express Entry. 

Selection Factors:

So, up till now, we have established that the basic process of immigration is the Federal Skilled Worker Program if you are outside Canada. Keep in mind that the Federal Skilled Worker Program is the most basic step of immigration. We can call it to step No. 1 of the eligibility criteria checking process. In order to be eligible for Immigration you need to be qualified for 67 points out of the 100 points system of FSWP. The points system of the FSWP revolves around six selection factors. But I will discuss only four mandatory factors which most candidates have. The factors are as follows:

  1. Age 
  2. No. of years of experience
  3. Qualification level
  4. English skills

The whole of immigration revolves around these four basic factors. However, there are other optional factors like adaptability in Canada or your partner’s language skills that also contribute a little bit but not all candidates are able to achieve any points in the optional factors. The points system of the FSWP is very simple and it is a simple arithmetic sum. The points grid of FSWP is available on our website of jupiteradvisers.org.Let me tell you, many educated people with normal english skills are usually eligible for this first step of immigration, so there is nothing to worry about in this step. 

What happens next when I am eligible in the FSWP:

Jupiter Advisers are always looking to find the best match for the relevant opportunity in Canada out of all available programs. If a candidate is declared eligible in the FSWP, then the next step is to check the eligibility in the Express Entry. If he is eligible in the Express Entry, then he will be taken to the next levels of Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System. If he is not eligible for the Express Entry then he will be taken to the other non-express entry pathways. When I say Non-express entry, most people think that I am about to introduce the PNP pathway, but this is not the case. There is a misconception in the candidates and even among the uneducated consultants. 

First of all I will write about the options which are available to any candidate who seems eligible for the Express Entry. After that in the next section, I will write the details about those candidates who are eligible for FSWP but not able to qualify for the Express Entry stream. 

If a candidate is qualified for the FSWP and also eligible for the Express Entry, the next step is the Comprehensive Ranking System of the express entry pool. The basic eligibility of the Express Entry is the qualification in the FSWP. But there are other factors as well that needs to be qualified for the Express Entry. Express Entry is a very complex calculator not easy to understand but it is easy to calculate the score. Most people have scores ranges from 300 to 500 in the Comprehensive Ranking System. 

More details will be published in the next blog. 

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