Australian Immigration

Why Choose Australia

Australia is a country rich in resources. It has a number of opportunities for people moving there. Migration to Australia has been successful for many people around the globe. It offers excellent scope for a better lifestyle. It is due to the grand economy of the country and the dandy lifestyle of the people.

Australian Government Announced Changes in Immigration System for 2023-2024

The review on immigration policies by Clare O’Neil has finally been released. Here are the key takeaways.

  • Starting July 1, 2023, the sponsorship salary threshold for immigrants will be increased.
  • Skilled temporary workers will be eligible to apply for permanent residency in Australia.
  • The immigration system will be restructured into three tiers.
  • Introduction of a graduate visa for international students.

Australian Immigration Plan for 2023-25

As per the migration program, Australian Immigration 2023-2024 includes about 190,000 migration places. In comparison to 2021-2022 policies, Australia is inviting 30,000 more candidates.

Here is the breakdown:

  • 137,000 slots (72 percent) are available for the skilled immigration stream
  • 52,500 slots (28 percent) are available for the family stream
  • 500 slots for special eligibility migrants

Australian Skilled Immigration: An Overview of Common Visa Categories

Skilled Australian Immigration

As mentioned earlier, Australian skilled immigration has three highly talked about categories, subclass 491, subclass 189, and subclass 190. But before talking about the categories, it is mandatory to mention here that Immigration Australia’s requirements for skilled visas include checking your desired occupation in the list provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).

Australian skilled occupation list 2022-23 has a total of 600+ occupations listed. This Australia skilled immigration occupation list 2023 is effective till 30 June 2023.

The overview of three frequently asked visa categories is given below. Immigrants who move to work in Australia usually are interested in these visa categories.

Australian Skilled Immigration: Subclass 489

Subclass 489 is a regional visa. This visa allows you to work in a specific region of Australia. Immigration to Australia consultants can guide you on its effectiveness.

Note: The Subclass 489 visa is currently suspended by the Australian government. They have replaced it with a Subclass 491 Regional Visa. Read More about this subclass here: Subclass 489 Visa

Australian Skilled Immigration: Subclass 491

Subclass 491 is a regional visa. This visa allows you to work in a specific region of Australia. It allows you to stay for up to 5 years. Most importantly, it is convertible to PR after meeting certain requirements. Read More about this subclass here: Subclass 491 Visa

Australian Skilled Immigration: Subclass 190

Subclass 190 is a state/territory-sponsored visa. You have to be nominated by an Australian state/territory to apply for this visa category. You can ask Australian migration consultants whether this category suits you or not. Read More about this subclass here: Subclass 190 Visa

Australian Skilled Immigration: Subclass 189

Subclass 189 is an independent visa. You don’t need any sponsorship from a family member, employee, or Australian state/territory. Immigration Australia consultants can provide you with detailed information about this visa category. Read More about this subclass here: Subclass 189 Visa

How We Process Your Australian Immigration Application?

We welcome you at Immigration Experts to start the process of your Australian Immigration. Firstly, we check your eligibility to ensure you are using your energy in the right direction. Secondly, we guide you on how to increase your points to become eligible and move to your dream destination. Once you finalize everything, we sign a legal contract with you before processing your application.