Canada Immigration

Canada Immigration by Jupiter Advisers:

Section - 1: Canada Permanent Residency Int roduction

1.1  About Canada

Canada is an ideal destination for the whole world. Citizens of Pakistan, India, Nepal, China, Bangladesh and even European countries would love to live in Canada. If you are able to get Canadian Immigration, it means you get the immediate Permanent Residency in Canada and start enjoying unlimited benefits of Canadian Permanent Residents. Jupiter Advisers are always looking for the best possible destinations in the world for our clients, in this series of blogs, we will explain about Canada in detail.

1.2  Benefits of Canada Permanent Residency:

  1. Free health coverage in Canada
  2. Kids Allowance
  3. Free education for kids
  4. Unemployment allowance for unemployed PR Holders
  5. Protection under Canadian Law
  6. Employees benefits for persons doing jobs

1.3  Is there any option that I can apply directly for Permanent Residency in Canada:

Jupiter Advisers say that the answer to this question is Yes, if you are sitting in Pakistan, India or any other country in the world, you can apply for PR directly with the whole family. It means you will get the PR visa and as soon as you will land in Canada, the first thing will be given to you will be your PR Card. If you are also willing to get the Permanent Residency in Canada, please contact Jupiter Advisers, one of our experts will be in touch with you shortly.

Section-2: A Background from the Past Decade

2.1  A Comparison of Previous PR process with the new one:

There are many ways to apply for Canada PR while you are sitting in your home country. Before 2015, there was a paper based PR process with the name of Federal Skilled Workers Program. That process used to take 5 years in which the candidates with the points of 67 in FSWP would get the PR finally after a long wait. That was a very long process and IRCC, which is a government body responsible for managing visas and immigration, used to find the suitable candidates who are eligible and they had to do complex calculations by themselves and then they used to give visas to the eligible candidates.

2.2  How the New Express Entry System Took in Place:

After 2015, the process was changed and the steps were taken to reduce the burden of IRCC Visa officers. The Canadian government introduced a new system with the electronic option in it. This system is called Express Entry. It works on a very complex algorithm and all the candidates first register their interest in the comprehensive ranking system (CRS). After registration, they are allotted a score by the algorithm. IRCC selects the highest scoring candidates every month and then the selected candidates are invited officially to apply for PR. This is called ITA, which means an invitation to apply for PR. Means that In this way, most of the burden of IRCC is reduced and they only have to process the visa application of the selected candidates.

2.3  Three Categories of Express Entry:

After the introduction of Express Entry does not mean that the Federal Skilled Worker Program is terminated. Rather it has taken a new shape. In order to be eligible for the Express Entry, one has to be eligible into one of the three programs as follows:

  1. Federal Skilled Worker Program
  2. Federal Skilled Trades Program
  3. Canadian Experience Class
Section-3: Federal Skilled Worker Program

3.1  Permanent Residency through Federal Skilled Worker Program

In this blog, we will only discuss and explain the details of the Federal Skilled Worker Program for Residents of Pakistan. Because for the other two programs, you have to be physically in Canada in order to get the Permanent Residency through Express Entry.

3.2  Six Selection Factors:

So, up till now we have established that the basic process of immigration is the Federal Skilled Worker Program if you are outside Canada. Keep in mind that the Federal Skilled Worker Program is the most basic step of immigration. We can call it a step No. 1 of the eligibility criteria checking process. In order to be eligible for the Immigration you need to be qualified for 67 points out of the 100 points system of FSWP. The points system of the FSWP revolves around six selection factors. But I will discuss only four mandatory factors which most candidates have. The factors are as follows:

  1. Age
  2. No. of years of experience
  3. Qualification level
  4. English skills

3.3  Points Grid of FSWP

The whole immigration revolves around these four basic factors. However, there are other optional factors like adaptability in Canada or your partner’s language skills also contribute a little bit but not all candidates are able to achieve any points in the optional factors. The points system of the FSWP is very simple and it is a simple arithmetic sum. The points grid of FSWP is available on our website of Let me tell you, many educated people with normal English skills are usually eligible for this first step of immigration, so there is nothing to worry about in this step.

3.4  What happens next when I am eligible in the FSWP:

Jupiter Advisers are always looking to find the best match for the relevant opportunity in Canada out of all available programs. If a candidate is declared eligible in the FSWP, then the next step is to check the eligibility in the Express Entry. If he is eligible in the Express Entry, then he will be taken to the next levels of Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System. If he is not eligible for the Express Entry then he will be taken to the other non-express entry pathways. When I say Non-express entry, most people think that I am about to introduce the PNP pathway, but this is not the case. There is a misconception in the candidates and even among the uneducated consultants.

Section-4: Introduction about Express Entry and its connected Streams

4.1  What Happens if a Candidate is Eligible for the FSWP

First of all I will write about the options which are available to any candidate who seems eligible for the Express Entry. After that in the next section, I will write the details about those candidates who are eligible for FSWP but not able to qualify for the Express Entry stream.

4.2  Express Entry Eligibility

If a candidate is qualified for the FSWP and also eligible for the Express Entry, the next step is the Comprehensive Ranking System of the express entry pool. The basic eligibility of the Express Entry is the qualification in the FSWP. But there are other factors as well that needs to be qualified for the Express Entry. Express Entry is a very complex calculator not easy to understand but it is easy to calculate the score. Most people have scores ranges from 300 to 500 in the Comprehensive Ranking System.

Basic Eligibility Requirements for Express Entry:

  • Age should be more than 18 years
  • No of years of Experience =  1 year min
  • Qualification: min Secondary School
  • English level: min 6.0 bands in IELTS
  • Job offer is not mandatory

4.3  Express Entry Rounds of Invitations:

IRCC conducts regular express entry draws and the results are also regularly shared on the Jupiter Advisers website. Every month, more than 5000 candidates are selected in the Express Entry Pool.

4.4  A Ray of Hope for the Middle-Ranked Candidates in the Canada Selection Process

In the year 2023, IRCC announced the plan for next three years and it stated that they will give IO to 1.5 million people and the score of the draw is getting low, there have been 8 draws since the start of 2024 and total people invited are 19390 so far till 29 Feb 2024 and the CRS score fall down to 534.If the score will continue to decrease like this, it can be predicted that by the end of 2024, many candidates with low IELTS and low Education level will be able to settle in Canada.

4.5  Express Entry and Its connected programs:

As mentioned earlier, we are currently talking about the mainstream program for Canada Immigration, which is Express Entry and let me write about some connected programs which are directly connected with Express Entry. These programs are called provincial nomination programs. However, there are certain Provincial Nomination Programs which are not connected to Express Entry but we will discuss them later on.

  1. Alberta Express Entry Stream – Provincial Nomination Program
  2. British Columbia Express Entry Option – PNP
  3. Manitoba Skilled Worker Overseas – PNP
  4. New Brunswick Occupations in Demand Connection Express Entry – PNP
  5. NewFoundland & Labrador Express Entry Stream – PNP
  6. NorthWest Territories Express Entry Skilled Worker – PNP
  7. Nova Scotia Labor Market Priorities – PNP
  8. Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream – PNP
  9. Prince Edward Island Express Entry – PNP
  10. Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Express Entry – PNP
  11. Yukon Territorial Immigration Program – PNP
Section-5: Challenges in the Immigration Process and How we counter them:

5.1  Applying in all eligible streams

Above all the options are officially connected to the Express Entry Stream. We at Jupiter Advisers, not only apply to the Express Entry mainstream but also we apply for our clients in all the eligible PNP streams. It is pertinent to mention that some of the connected PNPs require the job offer and some of them do not require a job offer. There are many doubts among the candidates that getting a job offer while sitting in Pakistan or India is easier or possible from a Canadian Employer. Remember, a job offer is not a mandatory requirement.

5.2  Hiring a foreign worker from Outside Canada

It should be made clear that if a Canadian company needs to hire someone from Pakistan, there must be something extraordinary about that candidate, otherwise these companies have a lot of other options available in Canada as well. Therefore, please clear this misconception from your mind that any Canadian company will give you a job offer if you are sitting in Pakistan. However, if you are on a visit visa, then the situation is different.

5.3  Reality vs Dreams:

I have seen many visit visa holders getting hired easily and using their job offer letters in various PNP programs. So, in our cases, we try to be realistic to our clients and inform them of the realistic situation and we make this thing very clear that we are specifically choosing those programs in which a job offer is not mandatory Getting a job offer.

5.4  Immigration with Job Offer and Immigration without Job Offer:

There are some immigration programs which require a job offer as a mandatory requirement and there are many immigration programs which do not require a job offer and the candidate is just selected by the government of Canada or any provincial government or any small city level or community level local government just based on the age, No of years of experience in any occupation, qualification and English skills. This is just wonderful. We at jupiter advisers always try our level best to apply in all those programs which do not require a job offer. Talking about those programs, which require a mandatory job offer, of course we cannot apply in those programs, but we offer complimentary and free job hunting service.

Section-6: Jupiter Adviser Services for Canada Immigration

6.1  What is Included in the Jupiter Advisers Services:

  1. Complete research for the Candidate and finding the suitable immigration programs in Canada
  2. Applying in all those Canada Immigration programs where the candidate is eligible
  3. Creating and Maintaining relevant profiles like Express Entry, Provincial Profiles, Community driven programs profiles and any other relevant program profiles.
  4. If the candidate is selected in any community or province, then making the complete coordination with the provincial authorities for the application correspondence
  5. Arranging all the documents as per the requirements of the authorities and timely submission to the bodies
  6. Applying for the Permanent Residency Visa and doing all the paperwork and checklist completion
  7. Advising the candidate about the necessary requirement of each and every document
  8. Making Job Hunting Profile in Canada Job Bank with complete Job Seeker Validation Code and apply in various job opportunities from time to time, wherever we will find any relevant job option. This service is the complimentary service which is provided free of cost in our package.

6.2  What is called Job Hunting Complimentary Service:

As I have mentioned above that we will provide a complimentary service of Job Hunting as well. Although it will not be an intense job hunting but it will be a normal job seeking strategy, which is usually adopted by many experts of finding a job in Canada. In this service, we will create an official Canadian Job Bank Account, which will allow many companies to have a look at the candidates profiles and the chances of getting a job will increase. There are other provincial level job hunting portals as well and we will try the same strategy in all of them and hope for some employer to pick the candidate. If the profile is picked by any employer, then we will do the full and intense research on the company and present it in front of the candidate. All the necessary coordination with the employer will be done by us. We will also prepare the candidate for any interview if there will be. So, these are the extra and complimentary services that are important for the candidate because there are many programs that do require a job offer.

Section-7: All Canada Immigration Programs in one Section - Express Entry & Non-Express Entry

There are a total 47 Immigration Programs in Canada.

  • Express Entry is just one of the Immigration programs.
  • 11 x Programs are PNP programs connected to Express Entry.
  • 35 x other Provincial and Community related Programs for those candidates who are not eligible for Express Entry programs.

Now I will start listing down all the programs in Canada for immigration purposes, apart from the business immigration programs. I will start from the Express Entry and then I will write about PNP programs that are connected with Express Entry and then I will talk about Non-Express Entry programs will low IELTS and less qualified people programs.

7.1  Express Entry Stream:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 6 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: No
  6. Partner IELTS: Optional
  7. Partner Qualification: Optional
  8. Other: Must be having 67 points in FSWP

7.2  Alberta Express Entry Stream – Provincial Nomination Program

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: No
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.3  British Columbia Express Entry Option – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: Yes
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.4  Manitoba Skilled Worker Overseas – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: No, but connection to community is required in any manner, we will work on it as well
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.5  New Brunswick Occupations in Demand Connection Express Entry – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: Yes
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.6  Newfoundland & Labrador Express Entry Stream – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: Yes
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.7  NorthWest Territories Express Entry Skilled Worker – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: Yes
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.8  Nova Scotia Labor Market Priorities – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: No
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.9  Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: No
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.10  Prince Edward Island Express Entry – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: No
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.11  Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Express Entry – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: No
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile

7.12  Yukon Territorial Immigration Program – PNP

  1. Experience: 1 year or more
  2. IELTS: 6 bands
  3. Qualification: Intermediate
  4. Job Offer: Yes
  5. Partner IELTS: Optional
  6. Partner Qualification: Optional
  7. Other: Must be having Express Entry Profile
Non-Express Entry Immigration Programs for Low English and less qualified Candidates:

Now here comes the exciting part, we at Jupiter Advisers always take care of those candidates who are not eligible for Express Entry may be because of the low IELTS bands or because of an increased age. For these candidates, we apply in non-express entry programs in which they are eligible. Below is the brief discussion in which we apply for our clients and each program has some basic eligibility criteria along with some specific occupations. Although there are other requirements as well, I will only mention the basic requirements below. Some of these options need a job offer and some of these options don’t need a job offer.

7.13  Alberta Opportunity Stream:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes

7.14  Rural Renewal Stream Alberta:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Community Support Letter: Yes
  6. Job Offer: Yes (But we offer job hunting services in connection with the community)

7.15  British Columbia Entry Level and Semi Skilled:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes
  6. Occupation: Related to hospitality
  7. Other: Must be working in British Columbia at the time of applying

7.16  British Columbia Skilled Worker Program:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes

7.17  British Columbia International Graduate Program:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Diploma must be done from Inside Canada
  5. Job Offer: Yes

7.18  British Columbia International Post Graduate Program:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Masters degree must be done from Inside Canada
  5. Job Offer: Yes

7.19  BC PNP Tech:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes
  6. Occupation: Only Tech occupations are eligible which includes Technical, engineers or IT related persons

7.20  International Education Manitoba Immigration Program:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands min
  4. Qualification: Must be graduated from a university in Manitoba
  5. Job Offer: Yes

7.21  Manitoba Career Employment Pathway:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands min
  4. Qualification: Must be graduated from a university in Manitoba
  5. Job Offer: Yes
  6. Occupation: In demand occupation consistent with the training

7.22  Graduate Internship Pathway Manitoba:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: Not Required
  3. IELTS: 4 bands min
  4. Qualification: Must be Masters or PhD degree holder from a university in Manitoba
  5. Job Offer: Not Required
  6. Other: Must have completed internship with Mitacs in Manitoba

7.23  Manitoba Immigration International Student Entrepreneur Pilot:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: Not required
  3. IELTS: 4 bands min
  4. Qualification: Must be graduated from a university in Manitoba
  5. Job Offer: No

7.24  Skilled Workers in Manitoba:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes
  6. Others: Must be present inside Manitoba on a valid permit

7.25  Manitoba Skilled Workers Overseas:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: No
  6. Other: Strategic Recruitment Driven Initiative Program and Community Recommendations or Friend / Relative in Manitoba are required

7.26  Manitoba Community Driven Initiative Program:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: No

7.27  New Brunswick Skilled Worker Stream:

  1. Age: more than 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes

Priority Occupations:

  • Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
  • Database analysts and data administrators
  • Software engineers and designers
  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers
  • Web designers and developers
  • Computer network technicians
  • User support technicians
  • Information systems testing technicians
  • Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
  • Licensed practical nurses
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
  • Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations

7.28  International Recruitment Events Program Canada (online and on-site):

  1. Driven by: Various Communities
  2. Age: more than 18 years
  3. Experience: 1 year or more
  4. IELTS: 4 bands
  5. Qualification: Intermediate
  6. Job Offer: Not required for applying, however, you will get the job offer if you are selected in any interview

Occupations open in first quarter of 2023:

  • Human Resources Managers
  • Construction Managers
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Human Resources and Recruitment Officers
  • Storekeepers and Partspersons
  • Computer Engineers (except software engineer and designers)
  • Information System Analysts an Consultants
  • Database Analyst and Data Administrator
  • Software Engineers and Designers
  • Computer Programmer and Interactive Media Developers
  • Web Designers and Developers
  • Desk Officers, Water Transport
  • Engineer Officers, Water Transport
  • Computer Network Technicians
  • User Support Technicians
  • Information System Testing Technicians
  • Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters
  • Food Services Supervisors
  • Restaurants and Food Services Mangers
  • Sales and Account Representatives – Wholesale Trade (non-technical)
  • Customer Services Representatives- Financial institutions
  • Other Customers and Information Services Representatives
  • Contractors and Supervisors Carpentry Traders
  • Machinists and Machining and Tooling Inspectors
  • Plumbers
  • Carpenters
  • Insultors
  • Heating, Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
  • Automotive Services technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairs
  • Residential and Commercial Installers and Services
  • Transport Truck Drivers
  • Landscaping and Grounds maintenance Laborer’s
  • Sawmill Machine Operator
  • Laborer’s in food and beverage processing
  • Other laborer’s in processing, manufacturing and utilities
  • Woodworking machines operator

7.29  Atlantic Immigration Program:

  1. Driven by: Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador
  2. Age: more than 18 years
  3. Experience: 1 year or more
  4. IELTS: 4 bands
  5. Qualification: Intermediate
  6. Job Offer: Yes
  7. Our Services: Registration for any recruitment event in case if being arranged anywhere in the world

7.30  Newfoundland and Labrador Skilled Immigration:

  1. Age: 21-59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the province

7.31  Newfoundland and Labrador International Graduate:

  1. Age: 21-59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Bachelor from Canada
  5. Other: Must be holding a PGW from IRCC
  6. Job Offer: Yes within the province from NL Employer

7.32  Nova Scotia Labor Market Priorities for Physicians:

  1. Age: 21-59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: MBBS
  5. Other: For General Practitioner and Family Physicians only
  6. Job Offer: Yes and the job opportunity must be on official NSHA or IWK letterhead

7.33  Nova Scotia International Graduate In Demand:

  1. Age: 21-55 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes
  6. Occupations: Only for Nurses and Early Childhood teachers

7.34  Nova Scotia Skilled Worker:

  1. Age: 21-55 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4.5 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes by the NovaScotia Employer
  6. Occupations: All Occupations

7.35  Nova Scotia Occupations in Demand:

  1. Age: 21-55 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4.5 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes by the NovaScotia Employer

Occupations: Following occupations are only open for this program:

  • Nurse Aides
  • Food and beverage servers
  • Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
  • Light duty cleaners
  • Transport truck drivers
  • Heavy equipment operators
  • Construction trades helpers and laborers

7.36  NorthWest territories Immigration:

  1. Age: 21-59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the province

7.37  Ontario Immigration – Foreign Worker Stream:

  1. Age: Above 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the Ontario and the employer must be having urgent vacancy to fulfill and LMIA is also required
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.38  Ontario Immigration – International Student Stream:

  1. Age: Above 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Bachelor degree from any university inside Ontario
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the Ontario and LMIA is also required
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.39  Ontario Immigration – In Demand Skills Stream:

  1. Age: Above 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Intermediate or High School
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the Ontario and LMIA is also required

Occupations: Only following occupations are open for this program:

  • Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
  • Meat cutters and fishmongers – retail and wholesale
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
  • Livestock labourers
  • Harvesting labourers
  • Nursery and greenhouse labourers
  • Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers

7.40  Ontario Immigration – Master Graduate Stream:

  1. Age: Above 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: Masters degree from any university inside Ontario
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the Ontario and LMIA is also required
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.41  Ontario Immigration – PhD Graduate Stream:

  1. Age: Above 18 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 bands
  4. Qualification: PhD from any university inside Ontario
  5. Job Offer: Yes within the Ontario and LMIA is also required
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

Prince Edward Island – Skilled Workers Outside Canada:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 2 year or more
  3. IELTS: Not Mandatory
  4. Qualification: Min Two years Bachelor degree
  5. Job Offer: Yes, from the PEI Employer
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.42  Saskatchewan Immigration – SINP International Skilled Worker – Employment Offer:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: min 4.0 Bands
  4. Qualification: Min High School
  5. Job Offer: Yes, from the Sask Employer
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.43  Saskatchewan Immigration – SINP Occupations in Demand:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: min 4.0 Bands
  4. Qualification: Min High School
  5. Job Offer: Not required
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.44  Saskatchewan Immigration – Hard to Fit Pilot Program:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: min 4.0 Bands
  4. Qualification: Min High School
  5. Job Offer: Yes, Full time job offer is required

Occupations: Following occupations are open:

  • Storekeepers and partspersons
  • Dispatchers
  • Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
  • Nurse aides, orderlies and patient associates
  • Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
  • Other assisting occupations in support of health services
  • Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations*
  • Hotel front desk clerks
  • Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillers
  • Food and beverage servers
  • Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
  • Light duty cleaners
  • Janitors, caretakers and heavy-duty cleaners
  • General building maintenance workers and building superintendents
  • Transport truck drivers
  • Heavy Equipment operators (except crane)
  • Material handlers
  • Construction trades helpers and labourers
  • Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
  • Livestock labourers
  • Harvesting labourers
  • Oil and gas drilling, servicing and related labourers
  • Metalworking and forging machine operators
  • Machining tool operators
  • Sawmill machine operators
  • Process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated processing
  • Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
  • Mechanical assemblers and inspectors
  • Industrial painters, coaters and Metal finishing process operators
  • Labourers in Metal fabrication
  • Labourers in food, beverage and associated Products processing
  • Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities

7.45  Yukon Territorial Immigration Program:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 2 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 Bands
  4. Qualification: High School Diploma
  5. Job Offer: Yes,
  6. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.46  Rural and Northern Immigration Program:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 2 year or more
  3. IELTS: 4 Bands
  4. Qualification: High School Diploma
  5. Job Offer: Yes, but we will apply in different jobs on your behalf
  6. Others: Community recommendation is also required and we will assist in this process as well.
  7. Occupations: All occupations are open

7.47  Quebec Immigration:

  1. Age: Above 18 to 59 years
  2. Experience: 1 year or more
  3. IELTS: Optional
  4. Qualification: High School Diploma
  5. Job Offer: Not Required
  6. Others: if you have 2 kids, it will increase your chances of selection.

How Jupiter Advisers will assist you in your immigration Journey?

We at Jupiter Advisers are you escape planners. We are the opportunity hunters. We assure you that if you can go to Canada through any single option, we must be having that option. We also assure you that there will be no program in Canada in which you are eligible and we will not apply.

Steps for Immigration in Canada:

In Jupiter Advisers, while applying to Canada, there are three basic steps.

Step No. 1: Apply in eligible programs:

In Jupiter Advisers, we apply in all eligible programs in which the candidate is eligible. We perform the complete hit and trial process with the multiple occupations and multiple PNP programs, including non-express entry programs as well.

Step No. 2: Selection by the Province or Express Entry or any community:

After applying in all eligible programs, the next step is the Selection. Sometimes the selection takes place 2 months, sometimes 6 months and sometimes it may take more than 8 months. It is also expected that the candidate may never be selected. But we at Jupiter Advisers keep on trying various opportunities. If the candidate is selected then the chances of a visa becomes 100%. After selection we complete all the documents and apply for the visa.This is the time that candidate should present all the documents to the embassy.

Step No. 3: Visa Approval for Permanent Residency:

After visa application, the clients will receive the permanent residency visa within two to three months with the whole family.

Advisory Fees / Charges:

Since we are Jupiter Advisers and we sell knowledge, we are not visa agents or overseas employment local agencies. Rather we are a team of highly professional Canadian experts, who are working all the time to find the best possible opportunity for our clients. When the opportunity arrives, we avail that opportunity for our already registered clients. So, this is one more benefit if you apply with us, then we will apply at the right time at the right opportunity.